Previous Work – Annual Conferences

Annual Conference 2019:

The 2019 SDCC+ annual conference focussed on ‘Creative Approaches to Cultural Well-being’, as there was a recognition that cultural well-being often features in Well-being Plans and the work of Public Service Boards. Sophie Howe, the Future Generations Commissioner attended the event to provide the opening speech along with Victoria Rogers, the President of the Federation of Museums & Art Galleries of Wales.

The event included presentations covering a variety of case studies from across Wales to link to the 7 Well-being Goals. These included:

Attendees also had the opportunity to attend two workshop sessions to learn about measuring impact., community ownership and eco-friendly wins and poetry and storytelling.

Carys Wynne-Morgan, a Goal Convener for A Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language, Future Generations Commission presented a session on the Art of the Possible looking at the Vibrant Culture Journey Checker.

Annual Conference 2018:

The 2018 SDCC+ Annual Conference focussed on Collaboration for Future Generations. Mike Palmer, formerly from the Future Generations Commissioner’s Office and the Wales Audit Office provided the opening speech along with Diane Gwilt, National Museums Wales and Penny Gruffydd, City and County of Swansea Council, who looked at unexpected and serendipitous collaborations.

The event looked at what stops us collaborating and how to overcome this along with the essentials of behaviour change and training for sustainability to engage and motivate staff.

Attendees participated in workshops and short 10 minute discussions covering:

  • Online training and resources
  • Innovation
  • Toolbox Talks
  • Decision making process
  • Campaign
  • Motivational speakers
  • Events
  • Leadership behaviour