
Why join SDCC+?

Do you work for a public body delivering on the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act and…

  • Are you trying to embed sustainable development into your organisation or are responding to the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act?
  • Have sustainability expertise to share?
  • Recognise the need to be more sustainable in order to support a green recovery following Covid-19
  • Want to contribute to ensuring we achieve a sustainable Wales
  • Are looking for somewhere to share and develop ideas for sustainable development initiatives and project

Then SDCC+ is for you.

Joining SDCC+ will give you access to a range of benefits including:

  • Annual Conference
  • Workshops and seminars throughout the year
  • Networking with colleagues from a variety of professions
  • Website for sharing practice and information, and requesting advice

The network builds on nearly 20 years of experience and learning across its membership, and has developed strong links with Welsh Government, Office of the Future Generations Commissioner, Welsh Local Government Association and Audit Wales.

We focus on the broad topics which will affect our current and future generations, including climate change, biodiversity loss, health, well-being and inequality etc. and explore the systemic changes (e.g. procurement) that need to be made in order to address these. We share learning around application and the Five Ways of Working which support the behaviour change needed to deliver against the Well-being Goals.

As a member organisation we fund these benefits through our annual membership contribution of £150 per organisation.

SDCC+ welcomes new members from organisations delivering on the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act.

To join SDCC+ please contact:
